Life shouldn’t be measured in a span of years, it should be measured in seasons.

To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven

four-seasonsOnly a few short years ago, we were going through a deepest, darkest winter. Bitter winds of misfortune bit hard, the long nights of depression so deep that we feared the the sun would never emerge, but it did – and it does.

It is only an illusion that the winter seasons of our lives are fallow, barren places. It is actually a time of preparation; for being ready for spring. The light from the sun emerges, the warmth of the earth returns reminding us that each new day is just the beginning.

The past three and a bit years has been like spring for my husband and I. Buds of hope emerge, tender and fragile at first until a little bit of nurturing, a little bit of faith sees them strengthen and blossom, fragrant with expectation.

Not that spring has been without its storms and tempests, but they too pass as quickly as the scudding clouds.

Now there is a new season for us, one we trust, is of fullness and growth.

Today I am now a full time author.

The timing was a little unexpected but sometimes, with hindsight, these things prove to be the right thing at the right time.

Thank you to all of you who have encouraged me and enjoyed my books. I’m looking forward to writing a whole lot more of them.

The prospect of turning what I love so much into an income that supports my family is thrilling, scary and amazing all at the same time.

It means that I’ll be working more closely with my husband and his business, Business Communications Management for copywriting, beta reading, manuscript evaluation and editing services.

Diverse Thoughts
Nerves and random rambling musings